Interview with Debbie

Debbie Jones
Country: England
More photos of Debbie at:
Tell us a little about yourself:
My name is Debbie. I am from Portsmouth which is on the south coast of England. I am very happily settled with a wonderful man and I have two children, Joseph who is 27 and Lauryn who is 12. I work full time as an estate agent and I love to spend my spare time taking photographs. I got my first camera about 2 years ago.
Are you an amateur or a pro photographer?
I am very much an amateur with a heck of a lot to learn!
What do you like to photograph?
I most enjoy going outdoors and photographing nature, although I have recently tried a few portraits and have an interest in developing this more. I also love Photoshop and have spent many hours tweaking images and have found this fun. Last year I completed a 365 project and this, along with the weekly assignments on the Digital Photography School website, gave me a chance to explore various different types of subject.
What is in your photography kit?
My kit is pretty basic although if funds allowed it would be considerable larger!! I have a Panasonic Lumix G2 which is a micro four thirds camera and I chose it because it is fairly small, light and easy to carry around everywhere with me and it has interchangeable lenses and a nifty little flippy screen that helps me photograph from strange angles. It came with a 14-45mm kit lens and I subsequently bought a 45-200mm lens. I also have a Gary Fong Puffer (which I love), a polarizing filter, a nice little bag to keep it in and a copy of Photoshop Elements to enhance the shots I take!
What's your favorite lens?
I have very limited experience of lenses as I only have two and I have not really been able to get the hang of the 45-200mm lens. I really want the 20mm f1.7 pancake lens as I love shallow dof and the 7-14mm wide angle for photographing interiors at work.
Any favorite photographer(s)?
I don't have one particular favourite photographer......I am fascinated by so many different styles and subjects that I really couldn't pin it down! I really enjoy the work of my amateur photographer friends just as much as pro photogs!
Which is your own favorite picture?
I found it hard to choose a favourite from my photostream. I have a couple that I was pleased with where I captured a memorable moment or got a pretty shot. But I have chosen my 'Silence of the Lambs' shot as my overall favourite. I chose it because I had a vision for the DPS 'Cinematic Widescreen' assignment and I had to work out how to achieve it. It took me ages to get it how I wanted it as, at the time, I was very inexperienced with my camera and with Photoshop and it was very much trial and error. It did turn out pretty much how I wanted it and it was an added bonus that it won the weekly assignment on Digital Photography School, it was one of my first shots to get Explored on Flickr and it won 2nd place in the 'Best of 2011' competition on DPS. And of course it is a photograph of my favourite model (my daughter) !!
What is your dream?
I don't have any hankerings to be a pro photographer - I think the pressure of having to produce professional quality shots to a brief would take much of the fun out of it for me. I would love to have the time to dedicate to improving my work and producing some shots that really excite me..
Any advice or great tips to share?
I would highly recommend a 365 project to any new photographers. I learned so much from carrying my camera with me everywhere I went and always looking out for a shot. I also found the weekly assignments on the Digital Photography School website really challenging and a great way to delve into different types of photography. It really helped get the creative juices flowing!