Tell us a little about yourself:
I am an ordinary average American guy with a wife, two kids, and a dog. I work as a technical product manager in the steel industry. I've taken plenty of vacation photos and pictures of the kids in the past, but not much beyond that. A year and a half ago I purchased my Nikon SLR in preparation for a vacation to Vancouver. The photos were great, but I realized I knew nothing about the camera. Therefore beginning this year I took photography lessons at a local photo club and the rest is history. I have been striving to improve ever since. I love how photography challenges the both the left side of my brain with the technical aspects as well as the right side with all the creative possibilities.
Are you an amateur or a pro photographer?
I am an amateur and an enthusiast.
What do you like to photograph?
I am still finding my way hence one of the reasons I like DPS Challenges....something different every week. However, I find photographing people is most rewarding for me. Lately I've started the '100 Strangers Project" on Flickr and I am absolutely loving the street portraits and hopefully improving along the way.
What is in your photography kit?
I have a Nikon D3100 but I am already saving for a full frame camera. Besides the kit lens I have a 70 - 300mm telephoto and a 50mm 1.8 prime lens. I also have a set of lens tube extenders for macro shots. My next lens will be a wide angle in preparation for our family vacation this coming summer. And finally I've asked Santa for a SB700 external flash for Christmas.
What's your favorite lens?
Definitely my 50 mm prime. I love the sharpness and the DOF and I use it for nearly every portrait I take.
Any favorite photographer(s)?
I have been studying famous photographers lately, but it is hard for me to pick just one. If I consider who inspires me most I have to say it is all of the photographers I see on Flickr and DPS. I mine these sites constantly trying to learn what it takes to be a better photographer. Just today I discovered Pete Zelewski on Flickr.....he takes amazing portraits in the Soho District of London.
Which is your own favorite picture?
I become totally attached to my images so it is very difficult for me to choose favorites. I am going to email you my "Super Shot" picture I took at a carnival this past summer. It is an image of kids on a thrill ride, and I think it perfectly captures the moment of shear terror and delight each of the kids feel at that instant.
What is your dream?
I hope to continue along the portraiture path that I'm currently pursuing. I don't really desire to be a wedding photographer persay, but I desire to build a reputation where I might be able to get some contract work as well as make extraordinary photos for arts sake.
Any advice or great tips to share?
I am not good enough to offer any technical or artistic advice, but the one tidbit I might offer is that I often face fear when searching for photo opportunities....especially when dealing with people. Whenever I face up to those fears I am usually rewarded with pleasing results.

Chris 'Paco' Camino
Country: USA
More photos of Paco at:
Interview with Paco