Tell us a little about yourself:
I’m Dorothy, a retired teacher living in Brisbane, Australia. I’ve been taking photos ever since I was a child and got my hands on my mother’s old Eastman Kodak. As a teacher I did quite a bit of photography for the school, but after retiring I decided it was time to indulge myself in it as a hobby and to improve my skills. I am learning a whole heap from the Flickr groups that I'm in, as well as from local/online courses and our local photography club, but there is so much to learn!
Are you an amateur or a pro photographer?
I’m a photo enthusiast, doing it purely for enjoyment.
What do you like to photograph?
There are so many interesting things out there to photograph that I don’t have a preference for a particular subject. I just enjoy the challenges that I participate in on Flickr and capturing whatever takes my eye.
What is in your photography kit?
I started my DSLR photography with a Canon 550D, that is now used by my husband, as I have moved to a Canon 7D. My lenses are: Canon EF-S 15-85mm, Canon EF 70-300mm f/4-5.6L IS USM, Canon EF 100mm f/2.8L Macro IS USM and a Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II. I also have a couple of filters, tripods etc., as well as my iPhone and iPad, both of which come in handy at times.
What's your favorite lens?
All my lenses are favourites, depending on what I’m trying to achieve at the time.
Any favorite photographer(s)?
A couple of the many famous photographers that I admire are Ken Duncan and Dorothea Lange, with Trey Ratcliff on Flickr being another.
Which is your own favorite picture?
The shot below is one that pleases me, as I love our city, and I had some very nice patient pedestrians waiting while I used a long exposure.
What is your dream?
My dream/plan is for my husband and I to travel to various parts of Australia and enjoy lots of
photographic opportunities.
Any advice or great tips to share?
Get out there and enjoy!

Country: Australia
More photos of Dorothy at:
Interview with Dorothy