Interview with Julie

Julie Rowe
Country: Australia
More photos of Julie at:
Tell us a little about yourself:
I am Julie i live in a small seaside country town of Esperance in Western Australia population of 14,500, we have lived here for 28yrs. I have three children 2 sons and 1 daughter all grown up and moved out. Have been married to the same wonderful man for 33yrs.
I have been interested in photography for well this time around the last 4yrs previous to the digital age there was a large gap then i acquired a SLR and started again. Stopped for a time then i came back after some years with the DSLR and that was it i was well and truly hooked. How cool shooting forever and no film to develope I was happeeee!!!
Are you an amateur or a pro photographer?
I am very much an amateur and i guess and enthusiast.
What do you like to photograph?
I like to photograph everything really. Haven't found my niche yet. Landscapes i guess mainly. I do like setup shots i have been trying them lately. I have done a wedding. Am intersted to photography people. Really enjoy street photography.
What is in your photography kit?
I have a Canon 50d with the 18-55mm kit lens have just purchased a tamron 24-70mm lens and am very happy with it also have a 100mm macro still learning that one. 55-200mm kit lens, 50mm. 10-22mm canon. Also have a secondhand 5d.
What's your favorite lens?
Favourite lens would be the 24-70mm its a good all round lens for me.
Any favorite photographer(s)?
I don't really have favourite photographers. I love some of the older photogs from the B & W era. A lady i heard and interview with and have been given one of her books is Carla Coulson and Australia living in Paris i adore her photos. She inspired me to shoot outside the square.
Which is your own favorite picture?
That is hard to say which is my favourite picture i guess its one i took a few years ago of my son jumping in the sand dunes. Why, i like the lighting the sand trailing after the bike and the fact that i don't like watching him ride his bike it scares me to much. He had a serious accident when he was 16 (broken neck) so i am nervous. I did well and had a great afternoon shooting the boys jumping in the dunes.
What is your dream?
Whats my dream…i have just lived my dream! I went on a photoshoot to Paris awesome want to go back right now!!!!!!
Any advice or great tips to share?
Don't really have any tips only if your photographing children or pets put the camera on rapid fire and your bound to get one shot out of all their running around.