Tell us a little about yourself:
My name is Sammy Santiago. I'm from Puerto Rico but currently at Orlando Florida. I have been interested in photography since childhood, specially since I won a Kodak Brownie Camera on a Walt Disney contest. My father use to be the only camera repair man in town. So I was always surround with cameras and films.
Are you an amateur or a pro photographer?
Right now I'm an amateur photographer in transition to professional.
What do you like to photograph?
I like to photographs all kind of subjects, events and assignments. Each one present me with a challenge. But I know for sure that Macro, Landscape, Portrait and Documentary will be my favorites.
What is in your photography kit?
My present photo equipment is a Canon 40D with 20-35, 35-80 and 135mm lenses for night and macro. For street photography I use an Olympus EPL2 with a 14-40 and a 40-150 lenses. But in a month I will be upgrading to a Canon 6D full frame for professional reasons.
What's your favorite lens?
My favorite is a 24-85. Because it will cover all the main focal lens that I will be using on most assignments. I hate to change lenses while taking pictures, because I can loose a shot and also introduce dust inside the camera.
Any favorite photographer(s)?
Pete Turner for his amazing color photos.
Vivian Maier, for her wonderful street photography.
and John Isaac.
Which is your own favorite picture?
My own favorite picture is "Day 146: Doing magic with Lightpainting."
Because is a picture that came out exactly as I plan it.
What is your dream?
My dreams is to move my photography into something with a purpose or a good cause. This way using our talents for a better world.
Any advice or great tips to share?
My advice to all who are moving into photography is to learn the basics of photography and light, then to be creative and never to copy others and finally to specialize in something.

Sammy Santiago
Country: Puerto Rico
More photos of Sammy at:
Interview with Sammy