Tell us a little about yourself:
I do not like providing my name online. My occupation has certain hazards and thus I keep my name away
from my interests here to prevent identification. I am originally from the UK, but currently reside in
Australia. I have been interested in photography for a number of years, mainly on account of recognising just what great images I could acquire. When I moved to Australia a couple of years ago I began to get more serious.
Are you an amateur or a pro photographer?
Hmmm...some contested terms. I am certainly a photo enthusiast! The amateur/pro question; I recently saw a podcast about photography raising that very question. The suggestion was that as a photographer you should have confidence to be "the finished article" and that over the years you will take many great shots, probably lots of dud ones, and one or two that are truly awesome. Being amateur or pro shouldn't come into it.
What do you like to photograph?
Whatever takes my fancy I guess. I always like carrying a camera with me, even if it's just my
smartphone. If I am looking at specfic shots then I must say most tend to be landscape, sunrise/sunset or urban. However, my underlying theme is travel and, being in Australia, the concept of 'roadtrip'. That is, photos that give a sense of place, and exploration. So maybe less a type, more a feel.
What is in your photography kit?
I have multiple cameras. I own a Canon DSLR (1100d), and I have a Sony DSC point and shoot. However, my princple collection is film. I own two Pentax Spotmatics, both of which were gifts. Other SLR's are a Hanimex, a Canon T70, and a Yashica 107-MP. Rangefinder cameras; I own a Yashica MF2-Super, a Canon Quartz, a Canonet, a Beauty Lightmatic III, a Pentax Espio amongst others. I own a Polaroid Land 1000, a Holga, and a Rolleiflex TLR (circa 1950's). I have a few basic p&s film cameras as well. I suppose I should include my HTC Incredible S as well. Most of my cameras have a story behind them in one way or
another. I love my camera collection, and I think I will keep adding. In terms of accessories I have a tripod, various lens and lens filters. Most interesting accessories are for the Rollei, including a panorama attachment for a tripod (for 360 view) and a mirror, allowing you to photograph around corners (presumably for shots out of windows).
What's your favorite lens?
I guess it's the right tool for the right job.
Any favorite photographer(s)?
I can't say that I do. I don't follow photographers in that way. I'm influenced more by individual photos, rather than the photographers themselves, if that makes sense.
Which is your own favorite picture?
A photo called Motel. I took it with the Yashica MF2-Super using Ilford B&W film. The shot was taken in low light, and the camera is a basic film rangefinder. The mood and intense feel of the shot is just superb.
What is your dream?
Always having a camera handy at the right moment.
Any advice or great tips to share?
To beginners, start out with a rangefinder/point&shoot camera. It means you aren't distracted by things like aperture, shutter speed or much else, and leaves you free to focus on the two key elements to any photo; light, and composition.

Silent Star
Country: Australia
More photos of Silent Star at:
Interview with Silent Star