Tell us a little about yourself:
Susan Berger, age 59 (but hanging on by a thread and soon to be 60), from Bensalem, PA and a computer network administrator by day, photographer when not at work. I’ve been more serious about photography the past two years. Well, mostly this year because I started a 366.
Are you an amateur or a pro photographer?
I’m most decidedly not a pro. More like an amateur photo enthusiast, but I have noticed tons of improvement in my shooting this year.
What do you like to photograph?
Well, I’ll shoot anything and everything, but my real kick is Landscape – assuming I can get up early enough. Also travel photography, since I love traveling – but only for fun, not for work!
What is in your photography kit?
I own a canon 50D with a Canon 50mm prime, a Tamron 17 – 270 (my travel and go to lens), and a set of Kinko extension tubes. I will most likely get a wide angle for landscape – maybe this year.
What's your favorite lens?
Tamron – see previous question.
Any favorite photographer(s)?
I don’t have one, or two. I never really studied it. I would guess, though Scott Kelby and Trey
Which is your own favorite picture?
I have a few this year that I really like, but my most recent favorite it of Bryn Athens cathedral. It reminds me of the 15th/16th century gothic churches all over Europe, but built in PA in the early 1900’s. The inside is as gorgeous as the outside. I got lucky with this shot. I had just learned that to make a good starburst from the sun, you need to put the f stop up high – 18 – 22 (teeny tinyaperture). The sun was at the right height for it to peek through the window. I walked around get the shot, put my tamron on 17mm, set the aperture high, and viola, a beautiful shot of the church with the sun.
The pastor has asked me to make a copy, I’ll probably do that and just donate it to them.
Oh, for what it’s worth, I’m Jewish by background and a non-believer in any form of religion …. Hope that doesn’t turn you off. I just love the building.
What is your dream?
My dream is to retire from my day job, and continue to travel as much as possible.
Any advice or great tips to share?
Nothing you don’t already know. Practice, meet people, enjoy life. The camera, I think with practice, will become your third eye.

Susan Berger
Country: USA
More photos of Susan at:
Interview with Susan