Tell us a little about yourself:
I'm Steve, a native Californian, and currently live in Monrovia (a foothill community near Los Angeles) with my lovely wife of 33 years. I'm a stereo-typical electrical engineer, so my artistic skills are rather underdeveloped.
I started dabbling in photography in high school and college, and bought a Yashika Electro-X in the early '70s. Couldn't really afford film and processing, so rolled, developed, & printed my own B/W. In 2011 I renewed my interest in photography with the purchase of an entry-level DSLR.
Are you an amateur or a pro photographer?
For me you need a 'rank amateur' category. I'm not even sure what a photo-enthusiast is... :-)
What do you like to photograph?
My tastes vary widely, but I especially enjoy capturing things we may miss with our eyes - nature shots, macros, etc. I am attracted to the unusual.
What is in your photography kit?
Strange stuff. I like to tinker, and much of my enjoyment comes from making something work for a purpose for which it was not intended. In addition to the D3100 I have a home-made neutral density filter, a P&S camera modified for time lapse, a P&S camera modified for IR, old manual lenses and strobes, cardboard adapter for a telescope, reversing rings, etc.
What's your favorite lens?
I'm not a fan of changing lenses. I tend to favor the lens that is currently on the camera and won't change it if I think I can get by with it (I'm pretty sure this breaks some rules somewhere...). I have 35 and 50mm primes, and the usual 18-55 and 55-300 zooms. Nothing expensive.
Any favorite photographer(s)?
I'm blown away by innumerable photographers in the Flickr community. I don't follow or have a particular favorite, however.
Which is your own favorite picture?
I like this capture of a hummingbird (see picture at the bottom of this page). The background colors look a bit like an abstract oil painting, with the bird flying in front of it (your perception / mileage may vary...).
What is your dream?
I'd be happy to be able to enjoy photography as a hobby into retirement years, should they ever arrive...
Any advice or great tips to share?
I'm more in the 'seeking advice' phase...

Steve Krekeler
Country: USA
More photos of Steve at:
Interview with Steve