Tell us a little about yourself:
My name is Sarah Pradit and I am a British Citizen but I have lived in Thailand for 7 years. My husband is Thai and we own a Durian and Rubber plantation. We have 2 children and I am High School English Teacher. I'm 30 years old. My interest in photography started 3 months ago when I made a website for the area we live in Thailand. It was basically a way to advertise our home stay and artist retreat. However,many people commented that the site needed better photographs. So I bought a DSLR mainly to get better photos for the website but then just couldn't stop taking photos. Now I photograph in every spare minute. In fact, I have a school trip to Cambodia next week, which I'm unofficially treating as a photographic excursion.
Are you an amateur or a pro photographer?
I am definitely an amateur. I'm still learning what each setting does. I am pleased to say that I don't use the "cheat" settings any more and always stick to either AV or TV.
What do you like to photograph?
I like to photograph everything. Even if it's just to improve my technique. My children are always being subjected to photograph sessions because I think they make beautiful models. I like to photograph water in it's various forms. Waterfalls, the beach, ice. No 2 pictures are ever the same.
What is in your photography kit?
I own a Canon 1100D, the kits lens that came with that body and a 50 mm prime. Some ND filters- normal and grad.
What's your favorite lens?
My new 50 mm prime lens is definitely my favorite lens so far. It even makes me look attractive in photos which is a miracle. I look awful in photos normally.
Any favorite photographer(s)?
I have 2 favorites. First is Tarah Coonan. She is a wedding photographer from the UK and i love her photos. She can really capture a wedding in the most unique way.
I also like. I love all photojournalism. Photos that capture a moment in history that will last for ever. I have total respect for photojournalists who hold the responsibility to capture those moments. Photos like Jeff Widener's "Tank Man in Tienanmen Square".
Which is your own favorite picture?
My favorite picture is of my daughter Hope at a wedding we went to. This photo just embodies Hope. She's bright and smiley with beautiful Eurasian Looks that means she can get away with close ups so well. I love the catch lights in her eyes and the sharpness of the face with the softness of the hair and background. I guess if it was of anyone else's kid I wouldn't be so i love with the photo but to me she's perfect and the photo captures it.
What is your dream?
I dream to become utterly proficient at using my camera. I have started a photography club at my high school and I aim to encourage my students to take a well composed, thought out photo. They all have i phones and i pads and some have even better cameras than me, but they don't have a clue how to use them and stick them in auto to take pictures of their friends doing the Asian 2 fingers salute. I am encouraging them to take photography more seriously and attempt to move out of their photography comfort zone. I dream that one of my students will become a famous Thai photographer.
Any advice or great tips to share?
Being an amateur, I have no technical advice to give but I will say that the internet has many sites to help you improve your photography. Digital Photography School has a critique section where you can put a photo and people can give you advice on how to improve that photo. I advice anyone new to photography to use these forum. it's hoe I've learned the main points.

Sarah Pradit
Country: Thailand
More photos of Sarah at:
Interview with Sarah