Interview with Jean-Marc

Country: France
More photos of Jean-Marc at:
Tell us a little about yourself:
I am french (nobody's perfect), working as a software engineer and communication consultant; I began with astrophotography around 1980 - with a Pentax ME Super, developing films in the basement at night.
I came back to photography when digital became affordable, in the early 2000's - and discovering Flickr motivated me to share some work four years ago.
Are you an amateur or a pro photographer?
Mainly amateur, even if I have made some money earlier with wedding photography.
What do you like to photograph?
Mostly the interaction between men and nature - Almost none of my pictures (underwater is a big exception) contains 100% nature. These interactions can be positive or not, even funny sometimes. Around 2010 I started to modify the pictures, many times I mix them - add another sky, remove people, etc.... so I have no idea how to call this artificial style... All pictures I post do not convey a message, but many do.
What is in your photography kit?
I now gathered over time a couple of items....
- My phone, a cheap Nokia C5 - I did not take a pic with this one yet but it's somehow on my list....
- A Canon Powershot s100 with underwater case
- My beloved Canon EOS 7d, best body I can afford
- And recently I bought a second hand EOD 1d Mk II
- I use three different lenses: Canon 24-105 L, Tokina 11-16 DX and a cheap Samyang 8mm Fisheye
- And of course lots of stuff around... .560EX, 580EX and a 430DX flash, tripod...., my wife gets mad sometimes looking at it.
- Last but not least: Photoshop
What's your favorite lens?
Canon 24-105 L - because of the quality, and it's a versatile lend with fast autofocus, a good
compromise between price, quality and weight.
Any favorite photographer(s)?
- Man Ray is very inspiring and I have some books from him.
- Any guy next door can be my favourite- it has to be a passion for him as much as it's one for me, as long as there's some self-criticism involved. That's how I choose my contacts on Flickr, or in real-life.
Which is your own favorite picture?
"Gili Meno". I have it framed hanging at my wall....
Because even if I fiddled a bit with the colors and removed some details, it really is like this. I
looks like this. Nobody can talk about paradise without having been there - just point and shoot in any direction, you'll get tons of comments whenever you post it on the web :-D
What is your dream?
Well, get back to Gili this year :-) Or more seriously, to be able to make enough money with
photography to get rid of my current job.
Any advice or great tips to share?
Start small, and don't listen to all advices. Practice.